My oldest child is in the 4th grade, and it is amazing how many parents at his K-8 school want to have coffee with me to discuss college admissions, even for children who have not yet hit middle school. But if I’m being honest with myself, even I think about how my son’s decisions today impact who he will be when he applies to college. But then one of my wise colleagues will set me straight and help me to remember that he’s still too young to be planning for college.
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Posted by Karen Crowley on Wed, Apr 11, 2012 @ 01:21 PM
Helping Your High School Junior With Stress: 5 Tips for Parents
Posted by Kara Courtois on Fri, Mar 02, 2012 @ 06:42 PM
It’s not uncommon at this time of year as a parent of a high school junior to think “What is going on? Is this year ever going to get any easier?” It sometimes feels endless: the number of tests students need to take on top of their most intense academic demands thus far in high school, trying to research and visit colleges, juggling what are probably multiple after-school activities, and of course, Driver’s Education! Phew! Well, maybe it helps to know you are not alone. When parents who have survived junior year commiserate with you, most of them will very likely let you know that, though the college application process isn’t a walk-in-the-park and the stress of waiting for decisions can be a nail-biter, somehow, senior year is actually easier.