High School Resume Support
How does Bright Horizons College Coach® help students build a resume?
Not every college and university requires a resume during the college admissions process, but many do. Regardless of whether all the schools on your college list request a resume, crafting one is a practice that will serve students well when it comes time to apply for internships and jobs. Of course, to create a resume, students must have activities beyond the classroom to highlight.
Extracurricular activities and interests serve a purpose beyond just having something to list on college applications, however. They play an integral role in helping students develop and grow in ways that are different from the classroom experience—where they feel challenged, work hard, learn something new, and have fun. Your College Coach advisor can guide your student in identifying these opportunities, and then work with them to showcase their achievements on a resume.
How do we accomplish this? Here's a snapshot:
Identify areas of interest:
Begin the process by having the student reflect. What classes are their favorite? How do they prefer to spend their down time? Are they passionate about helping others? Do they enjoy video games? Playing sports? Building things? Writing poems? Thinking about and answering these questions will help to find clubs or activities that align with their interests.
Consider passion projects or side hustles:
Extracurricular activities do not just encompass sports or school clubs. They can be anything beyond schoolwork. Is your student fascinated by a particular subject? Maybe they’re passionate about combating climate change. Or obsessed with examining whether a zombie apocalypse could actually happen. An in-depth research project might be a great fit! Is your student craving financial independence? Part-time jobs are wonderful ways for high school students to learn money management and responsibility. Jobs, internships, and passion projects are extracurricular activities that are excellent resume builders.
Put it all together:
When it’s time to create the resume, start by having the student take an inventory of meaningful activities over their high school tenure. Include part-time and unpaid work, sports, community service, summer programs, and projects. This is a perfect opportunity for your student to brag about themselves, so don’t forget the hard-won accomplishments like awards and special skills. Your College Coach admissions consultant can share templates and feedback to create a polished resume that gives admissions officers an idea of what your student will bring to their campus.
What Do Our Families Have to Say?
I truly believe the methodical work on the resume and essays are what really strengthened her being accepted to all the schools she applied for...Our daughter is a top student but this all helped her compile all her extracurricular and accomplishments together and have a plan.
Parent of a College Coach Graduate and Baylor University student
Two Offerings to Choose From
Resume support is just one of many areas for which our team can offer expert guidance. This support is included in our fully customizable, comprehensive service offerings.
Each package is a one-on-one, personalized experience with a dedicated college admissions counselor—each one a former admissions officer focused on your student’s goals. Both are available for all academic grades and transfer students.

Premier Plan
Up to 25 hours of comprehensive counseling including access to our full spectrum of admissions and finance expertise.